Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stamps, Coins, Photos..Purses??

A collection is an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]. Usually one sees people collecting things of value that would be worth more in the future. Baseball cards, coins, stamps, classic cars..Me?? Well, I am a purse collector. Yeah, I know what you are thinking right about now "who cares about purses??" Well...I guess I do. See, I am not one of those extremely wealthy girls who can buy any purse she desires.. I probably will never be able to afford a Chanel, Lois Vutton, or a Prada purse, since those are pretty overpriced. See..I used to dislike purses, I mean it was way to girly for me. I used to simply carry a wallet in my pocket, and that was that. I saw "preppy rich girls" walk around with purses of every color, shape, and size. Why they needed so much space for their wallet, I couldn't comprehend. However the first time I purchased a purse I felt different. I used to be a big tomboy, but the purse brought out a feminine side of me, and gave me a slight boost of confidence. It's sort of like wearing shoes with heels, and that feeling of being taller, and at the same time a bit more feminine. So after a bought my first purse, I started buying more. I once bought 60 dollar purse for $10 in JC Penny, and other purses wherever I saw a good deal. I wouldn't just buy any purse on sale, it had to have the right color, shape, straps, and even at times keychain. Soon I had about 10 purses, and I was willing to buy more. It sort of turned into my little collection. My friends were curious, as to why I needed so many purses, when I mostly used only one. I explained to them that my personality, requires me to go through a lot of change in a small amount of time, and if I have many purses, than if I ever get bored of one, I can always switch it up. It was like a hobby, that would never get old. When I moved to another city a few months ago, I grabbed most of the purses I owned with me, but last months my apartment burned down, and I was only left with a wallet i bought at my college book store. So now that I have a new aprtment, and things are going pretty well idecided to buy my new first purse. [Sydney Love collection] And it feels pretty good. So, cheers to starting off my new collection!!

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