Friday, September 19, 2008

ツ♥Наше Советское Мороженое♥✈

Ice Cream! Sure it has lots of calories, and is a serious hazard to the well being of your precious pearly whites, but isn't it delicious?? ツ I sure say so! However, how do you choose which ice cream is the best? I mean, there are so many flavors, and styles that one could walk around an ice cream shop for hours, not knowing which one to pick. After living in the US for the past 12 years, I officialy decided that my favorite "American" brand of ice cream is definitely Mint Chocolate Chip. I love the way that the small chunks of frozen chocolate, blend in so perfectly with the smooth, and refreshengly minty cream. Ok, anyhow back to today's post. So, as I was looking at different CCCP themed pictures on Flickr today, I ran across a photo of Russian ice cream. Just would like to state a random fact " If you have never tried Russian ice cream before you are definitly missing out. " Russian ice cream comes in many forms, however my favorite one is "пломбир." On the outside it looks like simple vanilla ice cream, in a waffle cone, however on the inside there is nothing simple about it.

As Wikipedia states "Plombir is French rich ice-cream with the addition of butter and flavored (chocolate, nuts, fruit). " However the Russian version of Plombir varies a bit. I really think what really makes Plombir taste so good, is the additional richness, and the mild sweetness. So if you are ever in a Russian store, or visiting countries in Eastern Europe, definitely try Plombil, you'll love it!

P.S. If anyone wants to learn how to make "пломбир" here are some instructions in Russian, if you need it to be translated let me know.
Пломбир сливочный
1/2 стакана молока, 3 1/2 стакана сливок, 2 яйца, 250 г сгущенного молока, 2 столовые ложки сахара, 1 чайная ложка желатина
Рецепт: Яичные желтки растереть с сахаром, развести молоком и сливками и, непрерывно помешивая, довести до кипения на слабом огне (но не кипятить
кипятить - варить в кипящей воде), слегка остудить.
Желатин замочить в холодной воде и, когда он набухнет, залить небольшим количеством горячего молока. Вылить в яично-молочную смесь, добавить сгущенное молоко и остудить до комнатной температуры. Затем смешать со взбитыми яичными белками и выложить в мороженицу.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


ДДТ is one of my favorite Russian rock bands, and to me this is one of their best songs. The song "Осенняя" means in the fall. The reason i like this song so much is because when I listen to it, I can feel the words and the melody combine into a hurricane of emotions. There is so much soul ,and sincerety in this song, that anyone who hears this song, even without translation will fall in love with it's captivating melody.

Father and Daughter

My father showed me this video, and it really hurt my heart. All of our lives we take things that we love for granted, and once they are gone, we miss them the most. Cherish, love, respect your family, they are the ones that love you the most in this world.

Stamps, Coins, Photos..Purses??

A collection is an accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]. Usually one sees people collecting things of value that would be worth more in the future. Baseball cards, coins, stamps, classic cars..Me?? Well, I am a purse collector. Yeah, I know what you are thinking right about now "who cares about purses??" Well...I guess I do. See, I am not one of those extremely wealthy girls who can buy any purse she desires.. I probably will never be able to afford a Chanel, Lois Vutton, or a Prada purse, since those are pretty overpriced. See..I used to dislike purses, I mean it was way to girly for me. I used to simply carry a wallet in my pocket, and that was that. I saw "preppy rich girls" walk around with purses of every color, shape, and size. Why they needed so much space for their wallet, I couldn't comprehend. However the first time I purchased a purse I felt different. I used to be a big tomboy, but the purse brought out a feminine side of me, and gave me a slight boost of confidence. It's sort of like wearing shoes with heels, and that feeling of being taller, and at the same time a bit more feminine. So after a bought my first purse, I started buying more. I once bought 60 dollar purse for $10 in JC Penny, and other purses wherever I saw a good deal. I wouldn't just buy any purse on sale, it had to have the right color, shape, straps, and even at times keychain. Soon I had about 10 purses, and I was willing to buy more. It sort of turned into my little collection. My friends were curious, as to why I needed so many purses, when I mostly used only one. I explained to them that my personality, requires me to go through a lot of change in a small amount of time, and if I have many purses, than if I ever get bored of one, I can always switch it up. It was like a hobby, that would never get old. When I moved to another city a few months ago, I grabbed most of the purses I owned with me, but last months my apartment burned down, and I was only left with a wallet i bought at my college book store. So now that I have a new aprtment, and things are going pretty well idecided to buy my new first purse. [Sydney Love collection] And it feels pretty good. So, cheers to starting off my new collection!!